iGuava主題專號 2-3


2012-11-19 回應 8












走向大眾: 暨大原民中心的成立





我們的努力有了最直接真誠的回報,參與原民週的幾個原住民學生在活動結束後熱情澎湃的慶功宴上,毅然決定成立Knbiyax Club (暨大原青社),並邀請我擔任他們的社團指導老師。自第二年起主辦原民週的責任轉交給原青社,到今年已經連續辦了四屆,成為暨南大學一個很特別的傳統。暨大是個辦活動非常不容易的學校,儘管非常努力作宣傳,除了我們自己身邊的朋友、同學外,來參加的人總是非常有限。但即使如此,每年籌畫、舉辦原民週對我和原青社的意義非常重大,它是我們大家向心力和情感凝聚的場域,也是很重要的培力過程。









在執行原民中心的相關計畫時,我意外地在部落國小遇見了以為早已不存在的「大專山地服務團」,並在初步的參與觀察之後,決定以北醫山服和師大山服為對象開始相關研究(參閱芭樂文 我也是小骨頭: 當人類學家進入大專山地工作隊)。山服在臺灣的人類學與原住民研究傳統中似乎都不是一個值得研究的深刻議題,我後來以此撰寫論文和提出國科會研究計畫時也的確碰到了相當的瓶頸與困難,以致在兩年後決定停止這個領域的研究,但我從未後悔自己當初的選擇和投注的心力。在臺灣作原住民研究是一件孤獨的事,近年來臺灣人類學界從事這個領域的越來越少,大部分學者和研究生都轉往國外或大陸發展,而部落是有著不同滋味的生活世界,沒有親身體驗過的人實在難以理解,因此真的很難和沒有去過部落的人聊部落,聊你的研究,儘管部落明明就在臺灣島上而非遙遠的異國。





上述這些與原住民議題相關的事務,基本上只要時間不和學校的工作衝突,評估之後認為是“有意義”(如能讓大眾對原住民有較正向的基本認知)或 “有意思”的(如可以藉此走訪不認識的部落,或深入瞭解一些正在部落發生的現象等),我多半都會接下。這些邀約加上我主動透過Facebook或其他管道參與一些原住民相關活動,讓我近幾年來跑了不少部落,感覺上好像又回到二十年前在多面向藝術工作室時在全省跑透透的時光。








從二十二年前初識奇美到現在, 我的人生因為增添了許多與部落(s)相關的記憶而變得繽紛多彩, 每個曾在我心中留下印記的部落都是獨一無二的, 因為我和他們的關係也是獨一無二不可複製。雖然當初是因人類學的緣故才認識了原住民,但我清楚意識到自己對原住民的愛戀早已超過人類學。近幾年來,我越來越像一個沈迷於美好事物的孩子,貪戀部落風景,一路玩耍越走越遠,以致有時覺得難以回應我所處的學術場域的種種要求。我在原住民相關議題、事務上投注的心力,明顯地超越了在學術論文生產上的投入。

但就像我不管再怎麼酒醉意識始終都很清醒(這也是從眾多部落經驗中所提煉出對自己的認識),我心裡很清楚,對原住民事務的關心或想要對部落有更多實際貢獻等理由,並不能作為自己在學術上不夠努力的藉口。尤其是當我在部落實踐的場域裡遇到許多不同領域、專業的人時,亦發體認到自己需要有更深刻的人類學知識與思考才能在我想要前進的這條道路上走的更長遠。人類學當然不是理解原住民世界的唯一方式,也未必是最厲害的,但它的確有其獨到的視野和思維能給予其他學科不一樣的啟發,而我也的確還是愛著人類學這從「他者」(the other)的認識出發,在人文和社會領域間曖昧游移,可以很深情也可以很冷靜的矛盾綜合體。


本文採用 創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-禁止改作 3.0 台灣版條款 授權。歡迎轉載與引用。

邱韻芳 人類學、原住民與我的三角戀習題 (引自芭樂人類學 https://guavanthropology.tw/article/3673 )


* 請注意:留言者名字由發表者自取。




能得到有機草莓三個讚也太感動, 蒐集起來以後可兌換贈品嗎?


可以換下期,頭香、專號、唉(i)三合一芭樂『寄付卷』(專有名詞, means contributing a "Guava" in our sense)一張,向Malaita 註冊。




我能為你做什麼 原住民?



直接跨越這些辛苦卻必要的階段提問:「我能為你做什麼 原住民?」



請問如果想將自己的專業提供給原住民適當的服務 可以透過什麼管道?


The study of incest taboo, concerning Edward Westermarck hypothesis that early childhood association breeds sexual rejection, similar to human instinct not to put hands into the fire.
Professor Arthur Wolf‘s research of incest taboo, began with the phenomenon he observed that Taiwanese adopted daughter marriages, confirms what Edward Westermarck hypothesis predicts, that early childhood association indeed inhibits sexual attraction. Statistically it shows that they produce less children and more out of marriage affairs, both men and women.
He started as early as 1957,when he picked a Taiwanese community for his first field research, after having completed two years of graduate study at Cornell University and a year of language training at Stanforf University.
It was a small village near the town of Shu-lin, about ten miles southwest of Taipei City, where to his surprise that “ nearly half of the married women in the village had not joined their husbands’ families as young adults, but had instead been ‘ adopted ’ as infants and raised by their future mother-in-law. ” This kind of custom had already been documented by Japanese and Chinese scholars. Actually a Taiwanese legal scholar Tai Yen-hui, writing in Japanese, had already mentioned the relevance of the custom to the Westermarck hypothesis.
“ In October 1890, Edward Westermarck visited E. B. Taylor at Oxford, and a few months later he presented him a draft of The History of Human Marriage. What aroused Taylor‘s interest was the so-called the Westermarck hypothesis that claimed childhood association inhibits sexual attraction and is thereby the basis of the human incest taboo. ”
In their correspondences, E. B. Tylor repeatedly urged Edward Westermarck to present more evidences.
In December 1895, he posed two questions for Westermacck, “ why should men nd women avoid one nother because of contiguity, and how much evidence is there of aversion to marrige among those brought up together? “
Of the studies of the human marriages, up to the time of their correspondences and much later, through many debates and arguments among influential anthropologists, sociologists and erudite scholars, not many house-mates marriages can be cited as concrete evidences that support Westermarck hypothesis. “ In all of the societies known to anthropology in Westermarck’s time, the children normally reared together were siblingd, making it impossible to determine wheteher apparent lack of sexual attraction for one another was owing to early childhood association or to their moral restrictions impossed by the incest taboo. ” Especially when Sigmund Freud‘s view that “ Psychoanalytic investigations have shown beyond the possiblity of doubt that an incestuous love-choice is in fact the first and the regular one ” had carried the day.
Not until 1995, after more than two decades of research and intensive investigation of the marital histories of 14,402 Taiwanese women, Professor Arthur Wolf wrote the book “ Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association
A Chinese Brief For Edward Westerwarck ”
to present the evidence that Edward Westermarck couldn’t satisfy Sir Edward Burnett Tylor‘s request.
In December 1895, he posed two questions for Westermacck, “ why should men nd women avoid one nother because of contiguity, and how much evidence is there of aversion to marrige among those brought up together? “
Of the studies of the human marriages, up to the time of their correspondences and much later, through many debates and arguments among influential anthropologists, sociologists and erudite scholars, not many house-mates marriages can be cited as concrete evidences that support Westermarck hypothesis. “ In all of the societies known to anthropology in Westermarck’s time, the children normally reared together were siblingd, making it impossible to determine wheteher apparent lack of sexual attraction for one another was owing to early childhood association or to their moral restrictions impossed by the incest taboo. ” Especially when Sigmund Freud‘s view that “ Psychoanalytic investigations have shown beyond the possiblity of doubt that an incestuous love-choice is in fact the first and the regular one ” had carried the day.
Not until 1995, after more than two decades of research and intensive investigation of the marital histories of 14,402 Taiwanese women, Professor Arthur Wolf wrote the book “ Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association
A Chinese Brief For Edward Westerwarck ”
to present the evidence that Edward Westermarck couldn’t satisfy Sir Edward Burnett Tylor‘s request.
In December 1895, he posed two questions for Westermacck, “ why should men nd women avoid one nother because of contiguity, and how much evidence is there of aversion to marrige among those brought up together? “
Of the studies of the human marriages, up to the time of their correspondences and much later, through many debates and arguments among influential anthropologists, sociologists and erudite scholars, not many house-mates marriages can be cited as concrete evidences that support Westermarck hypothesis. “ In all of the societies known to anthropology in Westermarck’s time, the children normally reared together were siblingd, making it impossible to determine wheteher apparent lack of sexual attraction for one another was owing to early childhood association or to their moral restrictions impossed by the incest taboo. ” Especially when Sigmund Freud‘s view that “ Psychoanalytic investigations have shown beyond the possiblity of doubt that an incestuous love-choice is in fact the first and the regular one ” had carried the day.
Not until 1995, after more than two decades of research and intensive investigation of the marital histories of 14,402 Taiwanese women, Professor Arthur Wolf wrote the book “ Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association
A Chinese Brief For Edward Westerwarck ”
to present the evidence that Edward Westermarck couldn’t satisfy Sir Edward Burnett Tylor‘s request.
Edward Westermarck should show gratitude toward the Japanese colonial government, during their rule over Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 for 50 years, they set up a very good household registration system which provides the 14,402 Taiwanese women‘s marriages who are, luckily for Westermarck, all house-mates. Besides, thanks to professor Wolf for establishing a large data base for other researches concerning Taiwanese topics, such as “ The Prevalence of Smallpox and the spread of Vaccination in Late Nineteen Century Taiwan, Evidence from the Household Registers by John R. Shepherd ”, “ The Pattern of Uxorilocal Marriage Couples Surnaming Their Children in the Hakka Settlements in Colonial Taiwan by Li Chun-hao, Chuang Ying-chang, Yang Wen-shan, Hsu SHu-yao, and Huang Yu-lin ”, “ When Bound Feet Encounter Natural Feet: Ethnic Assimilation and Social Pressure by Yap Ko-hua ” “ The Relationship between Household Economic Status and Ethnic Intermarriage, 1905-1945: Hormosa Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations Database ( Formosa HISCO ) by Lin Chia-chi, Yang Wen-shan, Chuu Ling-in, Huang Hsiang-chen, and Kuo Yao-hsuan ” and “ Examining the Changing of the Ancestral Homeland Identity in Taiwan through Tombstones by Chen Wei-hua ”, to cite just a few at hand.
In 1968, the day right after I graduated from college, I started doing interviews for professor Wolf at San-hsia chen, Taipei prefecture, as he mentioned on page 57. Up to that time his research on adopted daughters‘ marriages, mainly cover only Hokkien speaking areas, historically called Hai-shan districts.
Thanks to the invitation of Professors Li Yih-yuan and Chung Ying-chang, to join them on a study of the demographic transition, his research was able to extend to cover the Hakka speaking areas nearby Hsin-chu City, in order to satisfy some statistical requirement for the book.
On page 54, which shall concern my own study, hereby I quote in full. “ The data reported in Table 3.7 indicate that in Hsin-chu, as in Hai-shan, the relative frequency of the three forms of marriages was not spatially patterned. The only point worth noting in this regard is that the lowest frequency of minor marruage in either Hai-shan or Hsin-chu was in the Tun-p‘ing, the most isolated of the 28 districts included in the study and the only one in which a few of our subjects were registered as sheng-tsu, “ raw aborigines, ” or what I have labeled “ mountain aborigines “. What this suggests to me is that the frequency of minor marriages declined when Han men married non-Han woman. The obvious reason is that the women from more egalitarian tradition were appalled at the idea of giving up their daughters at birth and taising dsughters-in-law in their place. This is, I suspect, one of the reason why minor marriages were rare in southern Taiwan, where the farmers transported by the Dutch and the soldiers accompanying Koxinga had little choice but to marry aborigines women. ”

The three forms of marriages referred above, the major, the uxorilocal, are for the grown-up adults, and while the minor, i.e. the adopted-daughters‘ marriages are for the house-mates.
It is purely coincident that after I retired in 2007, I went back from America to volunteer teaching in Taiwan at the areas, by then the residents were called the Native people, and later on promoted to be addressed as Autronesians. First I started at Smangus, Jianshi Township, Hsin-chu County, mostly Atayal tribe. From 2016, I began to settle nearby the geographical center of Taiwan, a town called Puli and an adjacent town called Caotun. I taught English for a string group students, attending junior high school majoring in music. In 2017, they went to Vienna, Austria at Mozart Golden Hall and won summa cum laude at the Vienna International Music Competition. Before I returned to America during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, I was teaching at Ren-Ai junior high, mostly were Atayal, Bunun and Seediq tribes.
Professor Wolf began his field research on Taiwanese adopted daughters‘ marriages when he was 25 and the book “ Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association ” finally appeared in print when he was 63 in 1995. He passed away in 2015 at age of 83.
For some reasons, I first finished reading the book on 2/28/2000 and not until 7/9/2020 I started to translate it on paper at Ren-Ai Junior High School and later finished it on I-pad on 10/05/2021 during my chemo therapy for cholangiocarcinoma ( Bile Duct Cancer ). Fortunately, there was no side effect and the daily translation work kept me going. Amazingly I had the energy to finish translating two other related books, “ Inbreeding, Incest. ans the Incest Taboo ” and “ Incest Avoidance and rhe Incest Taboo Two Aspects of Human Nature ”.
In 1968, the day right after I graduated from college, I started doing interviews for professor Wolf at San-hsia chen, Taipei prefecture, as he mentioned on page 57. Up to that time his research on adopted daughters‘ marriages, mainly cover only Hokkien speaking areas, historically called Hai-shan districts.
Thanks to the invitation of Professors Li Yih-yuan and Chung Ying-chang, to join them on a study of the demographic transition, his research was able to extend to cover the Hakka speaking areas nearby Hsin-chu City, in order to satisfy some statistical requirement for the book.
On page 54, which shall concern my own study, hereby I quote in full. “ The data reported in Table 3.7 indicate that in Hsin-chu, as in Hai-shan, the relative frequency of the three forms of marriages was not spatially patterned. The only point worth noting in this regard is that the lowest frequency of minor marruage in either Hai-shan or Hsin-chu was in the Tun-p‘ing, the most isolated of the 28 districts included in the study and the only one in which a few of our subjects were registered as sheng-tsu, “ raw aborigines, ” or what I have labeled “ mountain aborigines “. What this suggests to me is that the frequency of minor marriages declined when Han men married non-Han woman. The obvious reason is that the women from more egalitarian tradition were appalled at the idea of giving up their daughters at birth and taising dsughters-in-law in their place. This is, I suspect, one of the reason why minor marriages were rare in southern Taiwan, where the farmers transported by the Dutch and the soldiers accompanying Koxinga had little choice but to marry aborigines women. ”

The three forms of marriages referred above, the major, the uxorilocal, are for the grown-up adults, and while the minor, i.e. the adopted-daughters‘ marriages are for the house-mates.
It is purely coincident that after I retired in 2007, I went back from America to volunteer teaching in Taiwan at the areas, by then the residents were called the Native people, and later on promoted to be addressed as Autronesians. First I started at Smangus, Jianshi Township, Hsin-chu County, mostly Atayal tribe. From 2016, I began to settle nearby the geographical center of Taiwan, a town called Puli and an adjacent town called Caotun. I taught English for a string group students, attending junior high school majoring in music. In 2017, they went to Vienna, Austria at Mozart Golden Hall and won summa cum laude at the Vienna International Music Competition. Before I returned to America during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, I was teaching at Ren-Ai junior high, mostly were Atayal, Bunun and Seediq tribes.
Professor Wolf began his field research on Taiwanese adopted daughters‘ marriages when he was 25 and the book “ Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association ” finally appeared in print when he was 63 in 1995. He passed away in 2015 at age of 83.
For some reasons, I first finished reading the book on 2/28/2000 and not until 7/9/2020 I started to translate it on paper at Ren-Ai Junior High School and later finished it on I-pad on 10/05/2021 during my chemo therapy for cholangiocarcinoma ( Bile Duct Cancer ). Fortunately, there was no side effect and the daily translation work kept me going. Amazingly I had the energy to finish translating two other related books, “ Inbreeding, Incest. ans the Incest Taboo ” and “ Incest Avoidance and rhe Incest Taboo Two Aspects of Human Nature ”.
Back in 1965 when I was doing interview for Stepan Feuchtwang for his London University Ph.D dissertation on Taiwanese religion. I had the pleasure to meet Professor Judith Treisman at Stephan‘s residence in Taipei. And at that time Professor Treisman just returned from a trip to the Phillipines, she told me Taiwanese native tribes were related to the natives of the Philippines. Apparently she was ahead of the archaeology at that time and it was out of my comprehension at all.
It was she who suggested me to talk Professor Ben Anderson, who was the director of Cornell University Southeast Asian Studies when I went to study Anthropology there in 1969. Professor Ben Anderson later became the leading scholar on nationalism, because of his renown insight of “ Imagined Communities ”. Over more than 40 years we met, yet I never had a picture with him together. He passed away in 2015 in Indonesia where he started his field work. We had a memorial for him in Taiwan with the Chinese translator of his book and readers.
…outside of Ithaca..



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