

2023-11-21 回應 31

這一篇推薦序一方面介紹我如何認識Fikret Berkes教授以及他的這本經典作,另一方面則是提供此一生態人文思想是如何引介至台灣學界的一段社會歷程。值得一提的是,在幾年前的一場晚宴中,當時林務局(現在已經升格為林務署)的林華慶局長提出翻譯的邀請,於是點燃了這本書翻譯的初衷。當時,我協助林務局帶著Berkes教授以及林務局各林管處的同仁代表,首度與魯凱族民族議會合作,以「當我們同在一起」的標題在魯凱族的傳統領域裡進行走動式工作坊,探討自然資源的共管機制可行性。Berkes教授在旅途中,始終保持著謹慎與留意的態度適時地給予建議與促進彼此對話的鼓勵,讓我印象深刻。也是因為這趟走動式的工作坊,後來催生了如今的林務署與各原民部落的狩獵共管的相關討論與機制。這本《神聖生態學》承載了Berkes教授畢生的學術精華,但更難得的是他親自在台灣原民部落走動時所體現的學者風範。這本中文版的《神聖生態學》出版,首先感謝林務署長林華慶博士的大力支持,同時也感謝翻譯者黃懿翎優異且流暢的譯筆,她是我指導的研究生也是長期協助翻譯的夥伴,曾經合作翻譯《像山一樣思考》以及像《野犬傳命》等生態名著,這本書的出版也感謝「台灣共用資源治理學會」理事長顏愛靜教授在申請經費上的協助。最後,要感謝的是大塊文化出版社願意不計代價地支持這樣的學術經典作品在中文書市上流通。


1999年9月,我在倫敦完成博士學位,預定回到世新大學的社會發展研究所任教。當時擔心台灣在關於生態人文論述的學術資料不多,於是徵得圖書館同意,為圖書館在國外購得相關圖書,其中的一本就是剛出版的《神聖生態學》第一版。初看書名,我以為是在博士論文中所處理的「宗教與生態」學術論述,後來才知道是對於「傳統生態知識」(traditional ecological knowledge)的扛鼎經典大作。「神聖」一詞用於形容生態學,確實跟這門學科的自然科學屬性有些格格不入,因為一般人會認為「神聖」的範疇應該屬於宗教人文領域的研究,而非自然科學。但剛好相反,Berkes教授的論述主張從傳統生態知識的角度來看,自然與人文社會領域應是彼此互融,相得益彰的。放在當今學界講求跨領域研究的重要性來看,這本書的論述與內容可説是非常適切的例證。於是,這本書就成了我在世新研究所教授關於生態論述時給學生的重要閱讀文本。不僅如此,它更在二十世紀末的台灣社會有關原民狩獵文化與野生動物保育法的矛盾爭議中,提供了一條可供互相對話的知識途徑。同樣地,在馬告國家公園的共管爭議以及後來在司馬庫斯發生的櫸木事件中,這本書的內容都支持了原住民族知識對於自然保育的價值與應用性。值得一提的是,當時在台灣還沒有很多自己的研究例證的年代,《神聖生態學》書中所提的論述與例證如果說是台灣相關研究者的指路明燈,是一點也不為過的。

2003年在英國的University of Kent舉辦的國際保育生物學年會中,我第一次聽到Fikret Berkes教授的主題演說,他的演講內容正是強調在世界上不同的民族所擁有的在地傳統生態知識是非常可貴的,這些文化資產對於保育世界上的自然資源具有非常關鍵的地位,同時這些知識亦能帶來在地社群的生計福祉與可持續發展的前景。他的一席演講對於正遭受馬告國家公園推動共管機制挫敗的我與一些原民夥伴而言,真是打了一劑強心針。同時,也鼓舞了我們繼續在原民部落中推動傳統生態知識的認識與建構,不知不覺就已經過了二十多年了。Fikret Berkes教授的研究貢獻,除了提出傳統生態知識的重要性之外,同時對於「共有地」(commons)的理論化以及如何在共有地或是共有資源中透過共管的機制,得到互蒙其利的效果做出了貢獻。前者,是跟已過世的諾貝爾經濟學獎的得主Elinor Ostrom一起合作,在許多自然資源管理的個案中找出原則,後者則是延伸到當代面對氣候變遷與環境衝擊時,如何展開韌性與可持續性的社會制度建構。其實,共有或是共管,都有一種內在的邏輯,就是任何生命(包括人類在內)與大地的連結性,可惜的是現代性的思潮、工業社會的發展以及將人與自然二分的當代科學觀將這樣的連結給破壞了。


其實,《神聖生態學》這本書的真正價值,是試圖將這種連結性找回來,同時力陳一種有別於「化約論」(reductionism)且具有「整全觀點」(holism)的科學觀。這種科學觀,正如生態神學家Thomas Berry所說,是蘊含著生態靈性的內涵。他說:「生態靈性,是頌揚人類與自然世界連結的一種信仰取向。生態靈性,在任何世界宗教中都得以彰顯,常常可見於獨特信仰系統內涵與大地神聖性的之間連結。」在此,宗教與科學並未對立,也不應該切割成不同且不相干的知識範疇,在這本書中Berkes教授透過一個簡明的圖示,將一個民族對世界萬物的命名與分類、運用自然資源的科技、相應的社會分工與制度、以及世界觀與信仰系統連結起來,認為這些面向都是彼此關聯且環環相扣的。在相當意義上,「神聖生態學」這本書是一個在自然與人文社會知識間尋求對話與連結的嘗試。如果我們在定義上,再延伸解釋「生態學」是一門Oikos(希臘文「家園」的意思)的學問,這本書基本上就是闡釋家園營造各個面向知識彼此相連的一些民族學觀點,因為每一個民族的文化生成都必然蘊含了這些在地的知識。因此,這本書對於原住民族的知識主體性有一定的助力。

2013年,我有幸進入北醫的醫文所任教,在一次受派到加拿大的參訪中,我主動去拜訪了Berkes教授以及他在Manitoba大學的研究中心。印象中,在他研究室的公告欄上看到新近發表的期刊論文,不管是作為單一或是共同作者,在在都展現出他作為「以社區為本」(community-based)的自然資源管理研究的優秀資深研究學者風範。同時,更證明了他代表Manitoba大學擔任地位崇高的Canadian Research Chair的名譽絕非浪得虛名。他人非常的親和友善,不斷地詢問我的研究需求,想要盡可能地協助我,並且毫不吝嗇地跟我分享他的學術資源,當然對台灣的傳統生態知識的發展現狀也保持著高度的興趣。看到他的佈告欄文章,完全涵蓋我過去的研究興趣,不管是Aldo Leopold的土地倫理觀、宗教傳統與生態關懷、生態與社會文化體系的整合、氣候變遷與原民處境、與社區保育等,都讓我相當肯定來對了地方,並且找對了人。因為這樣,在往後的時日中我一共邀請他三度來到台灣。其中在2013與2017年這兩次分別都用將近一週的時間,走入了泰雅族與魯凱族的傳統領域,與部落族人以及相關單位的官員們進行經驗分享與政策的交流。另外一次是2019年接受國科會的國際研討會邀請擔任主題演說者,這個研討會的成果後來還因為他的協助成為國際期刊Sustainability的台灣專刊,並且出版專書。




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林益仁 《神聖生態學》推薦序 (引自芭樂人類學 https://guavanthropology.tw/index.php/node/7015 )


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МВД оценило ущерб от финансовой пирамиды Life is Good
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Жертвы финансовой пирамиды Life is Good понесли ущерб в сумме на 15 млрд рублей, оценило МВД. Пострадали больше 18 000 человек. Ущерб от другой рухнувшей пирамиды Finiko оценивался примерно втрое меньше. В отношении основателя Life is Good завели 13 уголовных дел
Организаторы финансовой пирамиды Life is Good в регионах России причинили пострадавшим вкладчикам ущерб в сумме на 15 млрд рублей, сообщила официальный представитель МВД Ирина Волк. По информации МВД, жертвами пирамиды стали больше 18 000 человек.

Из похищенных денег 158,5 млн рублей лидер пирамиды легализовал путем покупки недвижимости в Санкт-Петербурге и Ленинградской области, отметила Волк. В отношении организатора пирамиды возбуждено 13 уголовных дел по признакам отмывания денег, полученных преступным путем (часть 4 статьи 174.1 Уголовного кодекса, до семи лет лишения свободы). Организатора подозревают в организации преступного сообщества, деятельности финансовой пирамиды и мошенничестве.
Пирамида работала с 2014 года в нескольких регионах России, организаторы создали сеть филиалов под единым брендом. Участникам обещали новое жилье либо доход в размере до 25% годовых. Инвестированием вкладов организаторы схемы не занимались: покупка недвижимости и обещанные выплаты осуществляли за счет привлечения денег новых клиентов, отметила Волк. Работу финансовой пирамиды МВД пресекло в марте 2022 года. Четверо подозреваемых арестованы, еще пятеро, включая 53-летнего организатора сообщества, объявлены в розыск. На тот момент министерство оценивало число пострадавших в 12 000 людей, сумму ущерба — не менее чем в 9 млрд рублей.
Ирина Волк не назвала имя организатора Life is Good. В апреле 2022 года министерство объявило в розыск «по статье УК» Романа Василенко — он и есть основатель Life is Good, писало «РИА Новости». На странице Романа Василенко в LinkedIn (соцсеть заблокирована в России) говорится, что он с 2004 года занимает должность президента Life is Good Ltd. Он выпускник Ярославского высшего военного финансового училища и автор книги «Мечта, цель, успех предпринимателя».

Ущерб от другой крупной финансовой пирамиды Finiko МВД оценивало в 5 млрд рублей, число потерпевших — примерно 10 000. В декабре 2022 года источники казанского издания «Бизнес Online» сообщили, что сумма ущерба сократилась в 30 раз до лишь 179,6 млн рублей, а число пострадавших — до 160.


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These tourist hot spots are introducing entry fees and price hikes for 2024
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In travel news this week: Vacation love stories that began and ended in Paris or London, aviation misadventures in Thailand and China, plus a look at why prices are rising as tourist numbers increase.

See more, pay more
More and more tourist hot spots are introducing visitor caps and entry fees to prevent overcrowding - and, whaddya know, it gives their coffers a little boost, too.

There’s a new $13 charge for climbing Japan’s famous (and congested) Mount Fuji, which follows Japan’s 70% price hike for tourist rail passes. The weak yen, however, still makes this a good time for international visitors to make that bucket-list trip.

If you want to see the ornate – and exceedingly popular – Plaza de Espana square in Seville, Spain, expect to soon pony up an entry free. The Louvre art museum in Paris, home to the Mona Lisa, has raised ticket prices by almost a third, ahead of the Paris Olympics this summer.

It’s not just Europe and Asia, either. Walt Disney World Resort in Florida has already introduced higher park ticket prices for next year. Some of the lowest single-day, single-park ticket prices have gone up by $10 for 2025.

Love and loss in London and Paris
Way back in 1984, an Italian teenager arranged a date with a guy she met on a plane to London – but he was a no-show when she waited in Trafalgar Square the next day. Her eyes then fell on an American boy sitting between the bronze lions while reading “Romeo and Juliet.” The stars aligned - he was her future husband.

It was a different story for a Londoner in 2011 who made her first trip to Paris with her boyfriend. Her heart was broken under the Eiffel Tower, but then a decade later, she moved on from that – it was time to write her own ending.


These tourist hot spots are introducing entry fees and price hikes for 2024
kraken войти

In travel news this week: Vacation love stories that began and ended in Paris or London, aviation misadventures in Thailand and China, plus a look at why prices are rising as tourist numbers increase.

See more, pay more
More and more tourist hot spots are introducing visitor caps and entry fees to prevent overcrowding - and, whaddya know, it gives their coffers a little boost, too.

There’s a new $13 charge for climbing Japan’s famous (and congested) Mount Fuji, which follows Japan’s 70% price hike for tourist rail passes. The weak yen, however, still makes this a good time for international visitors to make that bucket-list trip.

If you want to see the ornate – and exceedingly popular – Plaza de Espana square in Seville, Spain, expect to soon pony up an entry free. The Louvre art museum in Paris, home to the Mona Lisa, has raised ticket prices by almost a third, ahead of the Paris Olympics this summer.

It’s not just Europe and Asia, either. Walt Disney World Resort in Florida has already introduced higher park ticket prices for next year. Some of the lowest single-day, single-park ticket prices have gone up by $10 for 2025.

Love and loss in London and Paris
Way back in 1984, an Italian teenager arranged a date with a guy she met on a plane to London – but he was a no-show when she waited in Trafalgar Square the next day. Her eyes then fell on an American boy sitting between the bronze lions while reading “Romeo and Juliet.” The stars aligned - he was her future husband.

It was a different story for a Londoner in 2011 who made her first trip to Paris with her boyfriend. Her heart was broken under the Eiffel Tower, but then a decade later, she moved on from that – it was time to write her own ending.


These tourist hot spots are introducing entry fees and price hikes for 2024
kraken зайти

In travel news this week: Vacation love stories that began and ended in Paris or London, aviation misadventures in Thailand and China, plus a look at why prices are rising as tourist numbers increase.

See more, pay more
More and more tourist hot spots are introducing visitor caps and entry fees to prevent overcrowding - and, whaddya know, it gives their coffers a little boost, too.

There’s a new $13 charge for climbing Japan’s famous (and congested) Mount Fuji, which follows Japan’s 70% price hike for tourist rail passes. The weak yen, however, still makes this a good time for international visitors to make that bucket-list trip.

If you want to see the ornate – and exceedingly popular – Plaza de Espana square in Seville, Spain, expect to soon pony up an entry free. The Louvre art museum in Paris, home to the Mona Lisa, has raised ticket prices by almost a third, ahead of the Paris Olympics this summer.

It’s not just Europe and Asia, either. Walt Disney World Resort in Florida has already introduced higher park ticket prices for next year. Some of the lowest single-day, single-park ticket prices have gone up by $10 for 2025.

Love and loss in London and Paris
Way back in 1984, an Italian teenager arranged a date with a guy she met on a plane to London – but he was a no-show when she waited in Trafalgar Square the next day. Her eyes then fell on an American boy sitting between the bronze lions while reading “Romeo and Juliet.” The stars aligned - he was her future husband.

It was a different story for a Londoner in 2011 who made her first trip to Paris with her boyfriend. Her heart was broken under the Eiffel Tower, but then a decade later, she moved on from that – it was time to write her own ending.


These tourist hot spots are introducing entry fees and price hikes for 2024
kraken11 at

In travel news this week: Vacation love stories that began and ended in Paris or London, aviation misadventures in Thailand and China, plus a look at why prices are rising as tourist numbers increase.

See more, pay more
More and more tourist hot spots are introducing visitor caps and entry fees to prevent overcrowding - and, whaddya know, it gives their coffers a little boost, too.

There’s a new $13 charge for climbing Japan’s famous (and congested) Mount Fuji, which follows Japan’s 70% price hike for tourist rail passes. The weak yen, however, still makes this a good time for international visitors to make that bucket-list trip.

If you want to see the ornate – and exceedingly popular – Plaza de Espana square in Seville, Spain, expect to soon pony up an entry free. The Louvre art museum in Paris, home to the Mona Lisa, has raised ticket prices by almost a third, ahead of the Paris Olympics this summer.

It’s not just Europe and Asia, either. Walt Disney World Resort in Florida has already introduced higher park ticket prices for next year. Some of the lowest single-day, single-park ticket prices have gone up by $10 for 2025.

Love and loss in London and Paris
Way back in 1984, an Italian teenager arranged a date with a guy she met on a plane to London – but he was a no-show when she waited in Trafalgar Square the next day. Her eyes then fell on an American boy sitting between the bronze lions while reading “Romeo and Juliet.” The stars aligned - he was her future husband.

It was a different story for a Londoner in 2011 who made her first trip to Paris with her boyfriend. Her heart was broken under the Eiffel Tower, but then a decade later, she moved on from that – it was time to write her own ending.


On betting’s biggest day, a new scandal puts the sports world on edge
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As millions of Americans raced to fill out brackets and place wagers on teenage basketball players Thursday, another scandal amplified calls for the country’s booming sports-betting industry to be restrained - and reformed.

The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Wednesday night, after the translator told ESPN that Ohtani paid off the interpreter’s offshore gambling debts and as Ohtani’s lawyer told another story, accusing the translator of stealing roughly $4.5 million.

Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

While fans sorted through the ramifications and Ohtani played on in the Dodgers’ season-opening series in Seoul, experts and amateurs alike joined office pools and placed wagers on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the country’s closest thing to an official sports betting holiday.

Players, leagues and fans have been reckoning with the still-unfolding effects of sports gambling since a Supreme Court ruling handed the question of legalization to states in 2018. Each constituency may be arriving at the realization those impacts have mushroomed beyond anyone’s control.

“The amount of money is so enormous that it is almost impossible to attack the problem,” former MLB commissioner Fay Vincent said in a phone interview Thursday. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with an adult who has control of his brain and control of his financial situation betting on sports. The problem is, the sport itself gets so caught up in the amount of money that I don’t know how a professional sport or the NCAA or anybody - how do you draw up a code of conduct for an individual? What’s the line? When do we start admitting this is a really big problem?”


Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
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Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.


On betting’s biggest day, a new scandal puts the sports world on edge
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As millions of Americans raced to fill out brackets and place wagers on teenage basketball players Thursday, another scandal amplified calls for the country’s booming sports-betting industry to be restrained - and reformed.

The Los Angeles Dodgers fired Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Wednesday night, after the translator told ESPN that Ohtani paid off the interpreter’s offshore gambling debts and as Ohtani’s lawyer told another story, accusing the translator of stealing roughly $4.5 million.

Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

While fans sorted through the ramifications and Ohtani played on in the Dodgers’ season-opening series in Seoul, experts and amateurs alike joined office pools and placed wagers on the first round of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, the country’s closest thing to an official sports betting holiday.

Players, leagues and fans have been reckoning with the still-unfolding effects of sports gambling since a Supreme Court ruling handed the question of legalization to states in 2018. Each constituency may be arriving at the realization those impacts have mushroomed beyond anyone’s control.

“The amount of money is so enormous that it is almost impossible to attack the problem,” former MLB commissioner Fay Vincent said in a phone interview Thursday. “Theoretically, there’s nothing wrong with an adult who has control of his brain and control of his financial situation betting on sports. The problem is, the sport itself gets so caught up in the amount of money that I don’t know how a professional sport or the NCAA or anybody - how do you draw up a code of conduct for an individual? What’s the line? When do we start admitting this is a really big problem?”


Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
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Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.


Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
cryptoboss рабочее зеркало
Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.


Real Madrid files complaint against referee, saying he ‘deliberately omitted’ insults aimed at Vinicius Jr. from match report
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Real Madrid says it has filed a complaint against the referee who took charge of the team’s recent 4-2 La Liga win at Osasuna for “the negligent drafting” of his report about the match following the abuse aimed at star player Vinicius Jr. by supporters.

The Spanish giant said that referee Juan Martinez Munuera “deliberately omitted the insults and humiliating shouts repeatedly directed towards our player … despite being warned insistently by our players at the same time they were occurring.”

In one video aired on Spanish TV and shared on social media, chants of “die Vinicius, die” can clearly be heard in the stadium, leading Real captain Dani Carvajal to turn to the referee and point to his ear in an apparent attempt to make Martinez Munuera aware of the abuse.
Real says it has filed the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).

“Additionally, Real Madrid has also filed a complaint with this federative body in relation to the aforementioned insults and humiliating chants, and has forwarded them to the State Commission against Violence, Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance in the Sports, so that those fans who uttered them are identified and punished,” the club added.

CNN has reached out to RFEF, La Liga, Spain’s High Council of Sport (CSD) and both the federal prosecutor and local prosecutor in Pamplona, where Osasuna’s El Sadar stadium is based, for comment.


Real Madrid files complaint against referee, saying he ‘deliberately omitted’ insults aimed at Vinicius Jr. from match report
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Real Madrid says it has filed a complaint against the referee who took charge of the team’s recent 4-2 La Liga win at Osasuna for “the negligent drafting” of his report about the match following the abuse aimed at star player Vinicius Jr. by supporters.

The Spanish giant said that referee Juan Martinez Munuera “deliberately omitted the insults and humiliating shouts repeatedly directed towards our player … despite being warned insistently by our players at the same time they were occurring.”

In one video aired on Spanish TV and shared on social media, chants of “die Vinicius, die” can clearly be heard in the stadium, leading Real captain Dani Carvajal to turn to the referee and point to his ear in an apparent attempt to make Martinez Munuera aware of the abuse.
Real says it has filed the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).

“Additionally, Real Madrid has also filed a complaint with this federative body in relation to the aforementioned insults and humiliating chants, and has forwarded them to the State Commission against Violence, Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance in the Sports, so that those fans who uttered them are identified and punished,” the club added.

CNN has reached out to RFEF, La Liga, Spain’s High Council of Sport (CSD) and both the federal prosecutor and local prosecutor in Pamplona, where Osasuna’s El Sadar stadium is based, for comment.


Real Madrid files complaint against referee, saying he ‘deliberately omitted’ insults aimed at Vinicius Jr. from match report
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Real Madrid says it has filed a complaint against the referee who took charge of the team’s recent 4-2 La Liga win at Osasuna for “the negligent drafting” of his report about the match following the abuse aimed at star player Vinicius Jr. by supporters.

The Spanish giant said that referee Juan Martinez Munuera “deliberately omitted the insults and humiliating shouts repeatedly directed towards our player … despite being warned insistently by our players at the same time they were occurring.”

In one video aired on Spanish TV and shared on social media, chants of “die Vinicius, die” can clearly be heard in the stadium, leading Real captain Dani Carvajal to turn to the referee and point to his ear in an apparent attempt to make Martinez Munuera aware of the abuse.
Real says it has filed the complaint to the Disciplinary Committee of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).

“Additionally, Real Madrid has also filed a complaint with this federative body in relation to the aforementioned insults and humiliating chants, and has forwarded them to the State Commission against Violence, Racism, Xenophobia and Intolerance in the Sports, so that those fans who uttered them are identified and punished,” the club added.

CNN has reached out to RFEF, La Liga, Spain’s High Council of Sport (CSD) and both the federal prosecutor and local prosecutor in Pamplona, where Osasuna’s El Sadar stadium is based, for comment.


Nike inflicts huge home defeat on Adidas by nabbing German soccer team kit deal
Things have gone from bad to worse for Adidas. After a costly break-up with US rapper Ye that helped push the German sportswear giant into a rare loss last year, it’s now suffered a bruising defeat on home turf.

The German Football Association (DFB) announced Thursday that the company’s arch rival Nike (NKE) will be the official kit supplier for national soccer teams from 2027 until 2?034. The decision brings to an abrupt end more than seven decades of the sport’s partnership with Adidas that spanned four World Cup wins for the men’s team.

In a statement, DFB President Bernd Neuendorf said German football owed “a great deal” to the partnership with Adidas and that the association was “fully committed” to achieving further joint success through the end of 2026, when their contract expires.
The DFB said Nike had made “by far the best financial offer” and impressed with its vision for developing women’s football, and amateur and grassroots sport in Germany. It did not say how much the new deal was worth.

An Adidas spokesperson said in a statement that “we were informed by the DFB yesterday that the federation will have a new supplier from 2027 onwards.”

Germany will be the host for the Euro 2024 men’s championship, taking place this June and July. Adidas will supply the kits for seven national teams, including the German, Italian and Spanish teams.

In just under three years’ time, however, fans will see Nike’s trademark ticks, not the three stripes of Adidas, on the shirts of Germany’s national teams. German economy minister Robert Habeck reportedly told local news agency DPA Friday that he could “hardly imagine” the prospect.

The partnership between Adidas and German football was a “piece of German identity,” he was reported as saying. “I would have liked a bit more local patriotism.”

Adidas was founded in 1949 in Herzogenaurach, a small town outside Nuremberg in south-east Germany, the same year it registered its now-iconic three-stripe logo.

DFB’s announcement comes at a bad time for Adidas, which last week posted a net loss of €58 million ($63 million) in its core business for 2023, citing a slowdown in sales of its Yeezy-branded clothing and sneakers, and a large tax burden.


A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions
ff io

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.


A high-altitude tunnel is latest flashpoint in India-China border tensions
обмен криптовалюты

A tunnel constructed high in the mountains of northeastern India has become the latest flashpoint in a simmering border dispute between New Delhi and Beijing.

The Sela Tunnel, inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month, has been hailed in India as a feat of engineering – blasted through the Himalayas at an elevation of some 13,000 feet (3,900 meters) – and a boon for the military, enabling faster, “all-weather” access to a tense de facto border with China.

That’s caught the attention of Beijing, whose long-running dispute with New Delhi over their contested 2,100-mile (3,379-kilometer) border has seen the two nuclear-armed powers clash in recent years.

That includes in 2020 when hand-to-hand fighting between the two sides resulted in the deaths of at least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers in Aksai Chin-Ladakh in the western stretches of the border.

And, decades ago, the dispute led to war.

China also claims the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, where the tunnel was constructed, as its own, even as the area has long functioned as Indian territory.

Chinese officials in recent days have slammed the tunnel project and Modi’s visit to the state, accusing New Delhi of taking steps to undermine peace along the border.

“We require the Indian side to cease any action that may complicate the boundary question … the Chinese military remains highly vigilant and will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a Defense Ministry spokesperson said last week, using the Chinese name “Zangnan” or South Tibet to refer to Arunachal Pradesh.


Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings

Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
“The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.


Emily Ratajkowski’s latest flex? Divorce rings
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Diamonds are forever – especially for Emily Ratajkowski, who has chosen to turn her engagement ring into something entirely new following her split from her film producer husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard.

With the help of Alison Chemla, creative director of jewelry brand Alison Lou, Ratajkowski worked to remake her old engagement ring, which featured a pear-shaped and a princess-cut diamond, into two separate rings.
“The rings represent my own personal evolution,” the model told Vogue. “I don’t think a woman should be stripped of her diamonds just because she’s losing a man.”

Now, the pear-shaped diamond sits on Ratajkowski’s pinkie finger, while the princess cut has been flanked by more trapezoid stones and turned into a new sparkler.

Ratajkowski went on to explain that she got the idea after reading Stephanie Danler’s story “The Unravelers” in The Paris Review.


Слушай, приятель! Я в курсе, что ты размышляешь, для чего тебе лазить по нашему веб-сайту, хотя давай-ка я расскажу тебе почему это круто, а?

Во-первых, тут ты найдешь вагон полезной инфы! собственно что бы ты ни находил - от советов по саморазвитию до лайфхаков для совершенствования обстановки - у нас все есть, собственно что для тебя надо(надобно) для развития и вдохновения.

Но далеко не все! У нас тут целое сообщество, как клуб "Без Карантина", где тебе предоставляется возможность знаться с крутыми ребятами, делиться средствами мыслями и получать поддержку в любой ситуации.

А еще на нашем веб-сайте практически постоянно что-нибудь происходит! Акции, конкурсы, онлайн-мероприятия - в общем, все, чтобы ты не заскучал и практически постоянно оставался в курсе самых свежих направленностей.

И, старина, не тяни кота за хвост! Загляни на наш вебсайт и давай совместно развиваться, знаться и развлекаться! Я не сомневается, ты тут найдешь для себя по-настоящему крутых приятелей и море позитива!


Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.


Адвокат Запорожье — юрист Запорожье. Военный адвокат Запорожье. Помощь опытных адвокатов в Запорожье и Запорожской области. Любые виды юридических услуг и консультаций адвокатов
Юрист Днепр
Профессиональная круглосуточная поддержка адвоката позволяет держать в курсе дела и во время принимать необходимые меры. Вся информация о нас находится в реестре Адвокатов Украины, документы, подтверждающие наши полномочия, будут представлены при личной встрече.
Адвокат Запорожье. Военный адвокат Запорожье. Мы — команда адвокатов по международному, национальному и военному праву, с многолетним опытом практической работы. Наши сотрудники — члены Национальной ассоциации Адвокатов Украины, а некоторые и члены Международных обществ и организаций.

У нас нет молодых специалистов, которые на делах клиентов набираются опыта. Наша работа – это наше хобби, поэтому к каждому делу мы относимся ответственно, подбирая индивидуальный подход. Мы знаем, что нужно делать, чтобы выиграть Ваше дело.


Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal
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Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.


Наше право на обеспечение жильём, которое мы добросовестно пытались реализовать через участие в кооперативе, было жестоко нарушено через незаконные аресты счетов и попытки вменить нам участие в деяниях, которых мы не совершали. Вся эта ситуация кажется невероятным кошмаром, из которого нет пробуждения. Особенно остро стоит вопрос о том, как следственные органы и прокуратура могли так легко пренебречь основами правосудия, подвергая нас, пайщиков ПК Бествей, несправедливому обвинению и лишению прав на собственность. Интересы и безопасность наших семей подвергнуты серьёзной угрозе, в то время как настоящие нарушители остаются безнаказанными. Мы столкнулись не только с утратой финансовых средств, но и с разрушением наших надежд на будущее. На этом фоне становится очевидным, что наш случай — это не только наша личная борьба, но и показательная история для всего общества о том, как легко могут быть нарушены права человека и принципы справедливости. Это требует не только внимания со стороны прессы и общественности, но и активных действий со стороны высших эшелонов власти для восстановления справедливости и защиты основных прав граждан. Мы, пайщики "Бествей", требуем немедленного пересмотра нашего дела с полным расследованием всех обстоятельств и привлечением к ответственности тех, кто допустил нарушения в отношении нас.


Former Brazilian soccer player Robinho arrested after failed appeal

Former Brazilian footballer Robson de Souza – also known as Robinho – was arrested by Federal Police on Thursday in Santos, in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, his lawyer told CNN affiliate CNN Brasil, as police cars were seen leaving his residence in Santos.

The 40-year-old former AC Milan and Brazil striker faces nine years in prison after being convicted in Italy for gang raping a woman with five other men in 2013 after plying her with alcohol in a Milan nightclub.

Robinho’s arrest comes as Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF) denied his appeal on Thursday to remain out of custody while all judicial appeals against his conviction are exhausted and ordered for the “immediate” start of his prison sentence, according to a statement from the STF.
The footballer’s defense team had appealed to Brazilian authorities to allow Robinho to serve his jail time in Italy, rather than Brazil and to remain free while all appeal proceedings are ongoing, according to the STF decision.

Robinho has always denied the charges.

Following Thursday’s arrest Robinho is expected to face a custody hearing on Friday before being sent to a detention facility to being his prison sentence according to CNN Brasil.


KMSpico: What is it?
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KMSPico is a universal activator designed to optimize the process of generating and registering license codes for Windows and Office. Functionally, it is similar to key generators, but with the additional possibility of automatic integration of codes directly into the system. It is worth paying attention to the versatility of the tool, which distinguishes it from similar activators.
Operating systems and Office suites are among the primary Microsoft software items that still need to be paid for. Some consumers may find alternate activation methods due to the perceived expensive cost of these items. There may be restrictions, unforeseen interruptions, and persistent activation prompts if these items are installed without being properly activated.

Our KMSpico app was created as a solution to this issue. By using this program, customers may access all of the functionality of Microsoft products and simplify the activation procedure.


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We already know what this tool means, so let’s talk about some of the features you are getting along with KMSPico. Reading this will surely help you understand whether you are downloading the correct file.

Ok, so here are some of the features that KMSPico provides:

Activate Windows & Office
We have already talked about this earlier, as using this tool, you will get the installation key for both Microsoft Products. Whether it is Windows or Office, you can get a license in no time; however, this supports various versions.

Supports Multi-Arch
Since this supports both products, it doesn’t mean you have to download separate versions for each arch. One version is enough, and you can get the license for both x32-bit or even the x64-bit.

It Is Free To Use
Undoubtedly, everything developed by Team Daz costs nothing to us. Similarly, using this tool won’t cost you either, as it is entirely free. Other than this, it doesn’t come with any ads, so using it won’t be any trouble.

Permanent License
Due to the KMS server, this tool installs on our PC, we will get the license key for the rest of our lives. This is because the license automatically renews after a few days. To keep it permanent, you must connect your machine to the internet once 180 days.

Virus Free
Now comes the main feature of this tool that makes it famous among others. KMSPico is 100% pure and clean from such viruses or trojans. The Virus Total scans it before uploading to ensure it doesn’t harm our visitors.


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Такого еще не было!
аренда теплохода в Москве
Специальное предложение по случаю скорого открытия летней навигации на Москве-реке - часовая прогулка на новой панорамной прогулочной яхте премиум-класса "Жемчужина", с борта которой открывается потрясающий вид на город и его достопримечательности. Вы отправитесь от самого центрального и одного из самых популярных причалов столицы, пройдете мимо Москворецкой набережной, Кремля, парка "Зарядье", уникального "парящего" моста и других знаменитых сооружений. На борту теплохода для Вас будет работать бар. Разместиться можно в просторном панорамном салоне на нижней палубе, а если позволит погода подняться на верхнюю палубу.



basic comment

  • 自動斷行和分段。
  • 網頁和電子郵件地址自動轉換為連結。
4 + 5 =
計算出這道簡單的算術題並鍵入答案。例如、1+3,就輸入 4。
